Caitlyn Ryan – Senior 2019

Another downtown dancer is up on the blog this morning! Caitlyn and I had so much fun wandering around downtown in tutus finding the perfect spots to pirouette. Well, Caitlyn was in a tutu, not me 😅You don’t want to see that! As Jamie and I like to say, we have one skill and dancing is not one of them! 😂But Caitlyn knew what she was doing! Both in dancer poses and in “senior” poses, she killed her session! I mean, her in that pink dress on the steps of the merry go round museum are giving me major Legally Blonde vibes! 💖She was a natural at being in front of the camera. I’m sure she quoted Elle Woods after her session – “What, like it’s hard?” 💁🏼

hI There!

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3406 Hayes Avenue
Sandusky, Ohio 44870



3406 Hayes Avenue
Sandusky, Ohio 44870
click for map



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