Mallory Dye – Senior 2018

Ahhhh Mallory… Mallory’s senior shoot was one of those knock-it-out-of-park, home-run type of shoots that only come around once in a while. One of those shoots where everything seems to fall into place without you even trying. Between her natural calmness in front of the camera, the beautiful fall landscape, and the golden setting sun, this will forever remain one of our favorite shoots of all time! Mallory was up for anything we asked her to do and trusted us completely; even when that meant wading through the middle of a bean field to get our perfect shot. With such a sweet attitude and pleasant demeanor, we can’t wait to see what all is in store for you Mal!

hI There!

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3406 Hayes Avenue
Sandusky, Ohio 44870



3406 Hayes Avenue
Sandusky, Ohio 44870
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